Sunday, May 3, 2015

Why God Deceives the Prophets


And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel. Ezekiel 14:9


God does not rage like a tyrant but exercises just judgment.Also, no deceptions of doctrine are allowed without God’s permission. This seems at first absurd, for God seems to battle Himself when He gives freedom to Satan to pervert sound doctrine. If this perversion happens by God’s authority, it seems completely contradictory. But let us always remember that God’s judgments are not without reason called a profound abyss (Ps. 36:6). When we see rebellious men acting as they do, we should not expect to understand what far surpasses even the understanding of angels.
Therefore we must soberly and reverently regard God’s works, especially His secret counsels. With the aid of reverence and modesty, it will be easy to reconcile these two things: that God gives birth to and cherishes and defends His church and confirms the teaching of His prophets, while at the same time He permits it to be torn and distracted by dissension.
God acts this way to punish the wickedness of men as often as He pleases when He sees them abuse His goodness and indulgence. When God lights up the flame of His doctrine, it is the sign of His inestimable pity; when He allows the church to be disturbed and men to be in some degree dissipated, that should be imputed to the wickedness of men.
Whatever the explanation may be, God says Himself deceived the false prophets, for Satan could not utter a single word unless God permitted Him to do so. God not only permitted, but ordered Satan to do so to exercise His wrath against the wicked.

John Calvin

FOR MEDITATION: It is difficult to understand why God allows Satan freedom to rage within the church by perversions of doctrine. Nevertheless, we can take comfort in knowing that all the storms that rage are under God’s control. Satan will never completely overwhelm the church or defeat God’s purposes.

365 Days With Calvin
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

1 comment:

  1. The title is Why God Deceives the Prophets, but the post doesn't explain why God deceives prophets.
