Monday, May 11, 2015

TEST YOUR BIBLICAL IQ (Answer key to "Cain and Abel)


1. What are the names of the first two sons of Adam and Eve?
     Ans. Cain, meaning "possession," and Abel, meaning "vanity."

2. What were their special occupations?
    Ans. Cain was "a tiler of the ground"; and Abel "a keeper of sheep."

3. What difference was there in the offerings of the two brothers?
    Ans. Cain offered of the fruit of the ground, and Abel the firstlings of his flock. 

4. Were both equally acceptable to God?
    Ans. No. 

5. Was this because of the different kind of offerings?
    Ans. Probably not; at least we have no hint of any previous command regarding sacrifices. Offerings of the first fruits of the harvest were commanded later; and each would naturally offer the fruits of his own labor.
"By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and by it he being dead yet speaketh." Heb. 11:4.
6. Do we know what proof God gave that the sacrifice was accepted?
    Ans. No, it is impossible. but it was something of which the offerer could be sure, for Cain was very angry. 

7. How did God reprove Cain?
    Ans. He told him it was sin which prevented the acceptance of his offering. 

8. To what awful act did Cain's anger lead?
    To the murder of his brother Abel. 

9. What fearful lie did he tell?
    Ans. He told the all-seeing God that he knew not where his brother was.

10. What words did he use that we should say?
      Ans. "Am I my brother's keeper?"

11. How should we answer the question, "Where is your brother"?
      Ans. That we are so far our brother's keeper that we must be careful to do nothing which will hurt him bodily, mentally or spiritually; but on the contrary to do all possible to help him.

12. What was Cain's punishment?
       Ans. To be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth.

13. How did Cain feel when he heard God's curse?
      Ans. That his punishment was greater than he could bear.

14. What did God do to mitigate his punishment?
      Ans. He set a mark upon him to prevent his being killed. 

15. What do we read of Cain's descendants? 
      Ans. They were men of strength and skill, showing great inventive genius in making tents, weapons, tools, and musical instruments. And they were the first who kept herds of cattle as private property. 

4000 Questions and Answers on the Bible
A Spire Book
Published by Pyramid Publications for the Fleming H. Revell Company

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