Monday, May 25, 2015

Looking to the Lord

26 MAY

Therefore will I look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me. Micah 7:7


The only way the faithful may be preserved from being led away by bad examples is to fix their eyes on God and to believe that He will be their deliverer.
Nothing is more difficult for us than to refrain from doing wrong when the ungodly provoke us, for they seem to offer us good reason for retaliation. Even when no one injures us, the custom of retaliation seems just. We think that what is sanctioned by the manners and customs of our time is lawful, so that when the wicked are successful, this becomes a very strong incentive for us to follow their example.
Thus it happens that the faithful can hardly, and with no small difficulty, keep themselves within proper bounds, for they see that wickedness reigns everywhere and with impunity. Even more, when they see those who encourage wickedness increase in esteem and wealth, immediately the corrupt lust of emulation creeps in.
But when the faithful themselves are provoked by injuries, there seems to be a particularly just reason for following the example of the wicked. They say that they willfully do harm to no one, but they are only resisting an injury done to them. Or they are merely retaliating from fraud with fraud, which only seems just.
To prevent this temptation, the prophet bids the faithful to look to God. It is the same thought that is often expressed in Psalm 119; the faithful must not allow themselves to be led away by bad examples, but must continue to walk in obedience to God’s Word, however great and violent the provocations they receive.

John Calvin


If we find ourselves defrauded, our minds quickly justify fraudulent dealings in return. But that is not how we are called to live, nor does it bring glory to God. Instead, we should look to God for our salvation and for His justice to prevail in whatever way He sees fit. Vengeance is His.

365 Days With Calvin
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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