Sunday, May 10, 2015

Not Willing the Death of Sinners


Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live? Ezekiel 18:23


How does God wish all men to be saved? He does this today by the Spirit’s convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment by the gospel, just as He did this in days past through the law and the prophets (John 16:8). God makes clear to people their great misery so that they may come to Him. He wounds that He may cure, and slays that He may give life.
We maintain that God does not will the death of sinners, since He equally calls all people to repentance and promises He is prepared to receive them if they only seriously repent. Some may object, saying that this would deny God’s election, for He has predestinated a fixed number to salvation. The prophet does not speak here of God’s secret counsel, but only of God calling those in misery from despair that they may apprehend the hope of pardon, and repent and embrace the offer of salvation.
If anyone again objects, saying this proves that God acts with duplicity, the answer is ready: God always wishes the same thing, though by different ways, and in a manner we cannot understand. Although God’s will is simple, yet it involves great variety, as far as our senses are concerned. It is not surprising that our eyes should be so blinded by intense light that we cannot judge with certainty how God wishes all to be saved and yet has devoted the reprobate to eternal destruction and wishes them to perish. While we now look through a glass darkly, we should be content with the measure of our own intelligence (1 Cor. 13:12). When we one day are like God and see Him face to face, then what is now obscure to us will become plain.

John Calvin

In dealing with texts like these, we should not try to exalt our reason over God’s revelation, depriving the text of its power. Rather, we should glory in the great and  free salvation offered to all who hear the gospel. This is the good news we must bring to everyone around us: God is willing to save sinners who turn to Him.

365 Days With Calvin
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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