Sunday, February 15, 2015

Deliverance From Fear

16 February

I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4


David did not look upon his dangers with a calm and untroubled mind, as if at a distance and from some elevated position. He was grievously tormented with innumerable cares and justly spoke of His fear and terror. By saying "fears," he reveals he was greatly terrified, not by one, but by a variety of distracting troubles.
On one hand, David saw a cruel death awaiting him, while on the other, he may have been filled with the fear that Achish would send him to Saul, since the ungodly are likely to gratify themselves by making sport of the children of God. David had already been betrayed once and might well have concluded that even if he escaped, the hired assassins of Saul might be laying in wait for him on all sides. The hatred of Achish had against David for the death of Goliath and the destruction of his army might also have given David reason to fear. Achish might wreak his vengeance upon David. Furthermore, he was so cruel that he likely would not be appeased by subjecting David to an easy death.
We ought to note what David says here about seeking the Lord, who delivered me from all my fears, so that if at any time we are terrified because of the dangers that surround us, we might not be prevented by a lack of courage from calling upon God. Even David, who is known to have surpassed others in heroism and bravery, did not have a heart of iron to repel all fears and alarms but was sometimes greatly disquieted and smitten with fear.

John Calvin

FOR MEDITATION: What fears are you battling today? How can you cast them upon God and leave them with Him without becoming indifferent about them?

365 Days With Calvin
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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