Sunday, February 8, 2015

Wicked Life Bad; False Doctrine Worse

Preachers should be angels, that is, God’s messengers, and should lead a heavenly life; they should be constantly engaged with the Word of God. Then they are sure not to preach the doctrine of men. It is a very preposterous thing to be God’s messenger and not to deliver His message. . . . And indeed, more depends on the preacher’s message than on his life. If he leads a wicked life, he hates himself; but if he delivers a false message and presents it as God’s message, he misleads and harms everyone who listens to him and creates idolatry among the people. Then they honor lies instead of the truth, men instead of God; then they worship the devil in the place of God.
This is why there is no more terrible plague, calamity, and misfortune on earth than a preacher who does not preach God’s Word. Unfortunately, the world is now full of such preachers. Yet they imagine that they are doing well and are pious. However, they are doing nothing but murdering souls, blaspheming God, and establishing idolatry. It would be far better for them to be robbers, murderers, and the worst rogues; then they would at least know that they are doing wrong.

Martin Luther
What Luther Says, p. 1124
Compiled by Ewald M. Plass

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