Monday, February 9, 2015

Reflecting Him


Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. Psalm 19:2


If we were as attentive as we ought to be, even one day and one night would suffice to show us the glory of God. But in addition, we see the sun and the moon perform daily revolutions; the sun by day appearing over our heads, and the moon succeeding in its turn. The sun ascends by degrees while at the same time coming closer to us. Later, it bends its course to depart from us by little and little. Variations in the length of days and nights are regulated by a law so uniform that they recur at the same point of time in every successive year. In this we have a brighter testimony of the glory of God.
With the highest reason, David declares that, although God should not speak a single word to men, yet the orderly and useful succession of days and nights eloquently proclaims the glory of God. So there is left to men no pretext for ignorance; for, since the days and nights perform for us so well and so carefully the office of teachers, we may acquire, if we are duly attentive, a sufficient amount of knowledge under their instruction.

John Calvin

FOR MEDITATION: How often does the sunrise draw our thoughts toward God? What about the orderly progression of seasons? What do the sun, moon, and stars say about God? How can we remedy our common neglect of Him reflected in nature?

365 Days With Calvin
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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