Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Ministering to the Saints


But to the saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight. Psalm 16:3


One way of rightly serving God is to endeavor to do good to His holy servants. Because our good deeds cannot extend to God, it is to the saints in His place that we are to exercise charity. When people mutually exert themselves in doing good to one another, they yield right and acceptable service to God. We doubtless ought to extend charity even to those who are unworthy of it, as our heavenly Father “maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good” (Matt. 5:45), but David justly favors the saints over others and places them in a higher rank.
Though I do not deny that this doctrine is comprehended in the words of David, I think he goes somewhere farther, intimating that he will unite himself with the devout worshipers of God and be their associate or companion. Likewise the children of God ought to be joined together by the bond of fraternal unity, so they may serve and call upon their Father with the same affection and zeal.
After confessing that he can find nothing in himself to bring to God and is indebted to God for everything he has, David sets his affections upon the saints. God wills that He should be magnified and exalted in the assembly of the just, whom He has adopted into his family, that they may live together with one accord under His authority and under the guidance of His Holy Spirit.

John Calvin

FOR MEDITATION: Exercising charity toward saints on behalf of God adds a whole new perspective to holy living. In what ways can our treatment of fellow believers be a reflection of how we esteem God Himself?

365 Days With Calvin
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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