Thursday, February 5, 2015

Finding Peace


Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.
Psalm 16:9


In this verse the psalmist commends the inestimable fruit of faith. Under the protection of God, we not only enjoy mental tranquility but also live with joy and cheer. The essential part of a happy life is tranquility of conscience and of mind, whereas there is no greater unhappiness than to be tossed with a multiplicity of cares and fears.
The ungodly, however intoxicated with the spirit of thoughtlessness or stupidity, do not experience true joy or serene mental peace; rather, terrible agitations often come upon them and trouble them to constrain them to awake from their lethargy. In short, calm rejoicing is the lot of the person who has learned to place confidence in God alone, and to commit his life and safety to God’s protection.
When encompassed with innumerable troubles, let us then be persuaded that the only remedy is to direct our eyes toward God. If we do this, faith will not only ease our minds but will also replenish us with fullness of joy. That is not without cause, for true believers not only have joy in the secret affection of their heart but also manifest it with the tongue in glorifying God as the one who protects them and secures their salvation.

John Calvin

FOR MEDITATION: The Christian life is characterized by deep, true joy, even in the midst of affliction. Do you know this kind of faith? How does directing our eyes to God bring peace in any circumstance?

365 Days With Calvin
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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