Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fearing No Evil


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.
Psalm 23:4


Even in prosperity, David did not forget that he was a man but meditated on the adversities that might come upon him. Certainly, the reason why we are so terrified when God exercises us with the cross, is because every man by nature, in order that he may sleep soundly and undisturbed, has wrapped himself in carnal security.
But there is a great difference between the sleep of stupidity and the repose that faith produces. Since God tries our faith by adversity, it follows that no one truly confides in God but he who is armed with invincible constancy for resisting the fears with which he may be assailed. David did not say that he was devoid of all fears but only that he would surmount fear no matter where his Shepherd would lead him. 
This appears more clearly from the context. In the first place David says, I will fear no evil. Immediately after that he adds the reason for this. He openly acknowledges that he seeks a remedy against his fear in contemplating and having his eyes fixed on the staff of his Shepherd: For Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. What need would he have of such consolation if he had not been disquieted and agitated by fear?
Therefore, we should keep in mind that, when David reflects on the adversities that might befall him, he becomes victorious over fear and temptations be casting himself on the protection of God. 

John Calvin

FOR MEDITATION: It was the Lord's strength and protection that delivered David from captivity to fear, not his own. If the evils you are facing have revealed your own weaknesses, do not despair. Trust the Lord to protect you and deliver you from fear.

365 Days With Calvin
Selected and Edited By Joel R. Beeke

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