Sunday, February 1, 2015

Arise, Our God

31 January

Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in Thy sight.

Psalm 9:19


One more reason to induce God to avenge the injuries done to His people is that man may not prevail, David says, for when God arises, the ungodly must fall down and give way. When the wicked become audaciously insolent or have great power to work mischief, is it not because God is still and gives them loose reins? But, when God does arise, He will put a stop to their proud tumults and break their strength and power with His nod alone.

In praying for God to arise, we learn that no matter how insolent and proud and boastful our enemies may be, they are still under the hand of God and can do no more than what He permits them to do. Furthermore, God can, whenever He pleases, render all their endeavors vain and ineffectual. The psalmist, therefore, in speaking of the wicked, calls them man. The word in the original is derived from a root signifying misery or wretchedness. So it is as if the psalmist calls these enemies mortal or frail man.

The psalmist also beseeches God to judge the heathen in His sight. God does this when He compels evildoers, by one means or another, to appear before His judgment seat. Unless such unbelievers are dragged by force into the presence of God, they will turn their backs upon God as much as they can to exclude from their minds all thoughts of Him as their Judge.

John Calvin

FOR MEDITATION: Are you ever tempted to despair, thinking that wicked people may bring you down, especially when you are walking in dependence on God? Remind yourself of this Psalm’s lesson that God is powerful enough to undo all wickedness with one word. How might He arise in your life, proving His almighty power against evildoers?

365 Days With Calvin

Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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