Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Foolishness of Building Bigger Barns


Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth! Isaiah 5:8


The prophet now reproves that insatiable avarice and covetousness from which often arise acts of cheating, injustice, and violence.It is not entirely wrong for a person to add field to field and house to house, but so often the person who does so has the disposition of mind that is not satisfied once it is inflamed by the desire of gain.
Accordingly, Isaiah describes the feelings of those who never have enough, and whom wealth can never satisfy. So great is the keenness of covetous men that they want to possess everything. They want everything that is obtained by others, regarding it as something that has been taken from them. All the while they do not realize they need the assistance of others or that a men left alone can do nothing. Their only care is to scrape together as much as they can. They swallow up everything by their covetousness. 
Isaiah accuses covetous and ambitious men of such folly that they wish to have other men removed from the earth so they might possess it alone. They do not realize that if they were left alone, they cold not plow, or reap, or perform other offices indispensable to their subsistence, or supply themselves with the necessaries of life. For God has linked men so closely together that they need the assistance and labor of each other. No one but a madman would disdain other men as hurtful or useless to him. Ambitious men cannot enjoy their renown alone but amid a multitude. How blind, therefore, are those who wish to drive and chase away others so that they might reign alone!

John Calvin

Calvin makes clear the foolishness of insatiable covetousness. Why, then, do we find ourselves constantly moving in this direction? Let us look to the example of Christ and pray for strength to resist this temptation today.

365 Days With Calvin 
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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