Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Calling on Christ for His Gifts


And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom, and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. Isaiah 11:2


Christ did not come empty-handed but was well supplied with every gift so that He might enrich us with them, the prophet tells us. He shows that the gifts of the Spirit are laid up in Christ, first, generally; and second, particularly, that we may go to Him to obtain whatever we want.
The Messiah will enlighten us with the light of wisdom and understanding, impart counsel to us in difficulties, make us strong and courageous in battle, and bestow on us the true fear of God, which is godliness. In short, He will communicate to us all that is necessary for our life and salvation. The prophet includes all gifts here; it would be excessively foolish to attempt to conceal those that do not belong to this enumeration.
He shows that these gifts dwell in Christ so they may be communicated to us. We are called His fellows (Ps. 45:7) because strength proceeds from Him as the head to the individual members. In like manner Christ causes His heavenly anointing to flow over the entire body of His church.
Hence it follows that those who are altogether barren and dry have no interest in Christ and falsely glory in His name. So whenever we feel lack any of these gifts, let us blame our unbelief; for true faith makes us partakers of all Christ's benefits. We ought, therefore, to pray to the Lord to prevent the lust of the flesh from ruling in us, that Christ may wholly unite us to Himself. We should also observe that we ought to ask all blessings from Christ alone, for we are mistaken if we imagine that anything can be obtained from the Father any other way.

John Calvin 

FOR MEDITATION: How amazing to think that believers may take part in all of the benefits provided in Christ! And yet our expectations often fall far below what God is willing to give us. Let us storm the throne of grace to obtain these gifts through Christ and to better appreciate the fullness of His promises.

365 Days With Calvin 
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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