Friday, April 10, 2015

Shaken out of Carelessness


Many days and years shall ye be troubled, ye careless women: for the vintage shall fail, the gathering shall not come. Isaiah 32:10


The prophet warns against the slothfulness of the Jews by declaring that those who fail to listen to his calm instruction shall be dragged forth with trembling and alarm.
The Jews are excessively anxious abut earthly blessings and perishing food, so Isaiah addresses this fear by threatening a scarcity of wine and wheat. If the people were more thoroughly purified from groveling desires, the prophet might have threatened what Jeremiah deplores in Lamentations: that the sacrifices and festivals have ceased and that the holy assemblies are discontinued (Lam. 1:7).
But, because the Jews of Isaiah's time are sunk in their pleasures and have not labored to know the value of spiritual blessings, the prophet accommodates himself to their ignorance and addresses their bellies rather than their understanding. He speaks of the desolation of the fields, which would be the necessary consequence of their carelessness, for abundance and plenty commonly give rise to ease and indifference. "The Lord will therefore deprive you of all food and shake off your slothfulness, and take away all ground of confidence," he says.
We are here reminded that we ought not to sleep in the midst of prosperity nor imagine that we might expect uninterrupted prosperity in the world. Rather, we ought to use the gifts of God with moderation, if we do not wish to be suddenly aroused and be overwhelmed when we are off our guard. We will then feel heavier distress because we did not look for a change of our affairs.

John Calvin 


When life is good and our material wants are supplied, even to excess, we easily become careless and wasteful. What's worse, we can become indifferent to the Creator and Provider of all things, who can turn plenty into want, Isaiah says. When have you experienced a time of want after a time of prosperity? How did that affect your relationship with the Lord?

365 Days With Calvin
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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