Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Finding Peace and Happiness


In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely [i.e., find tranquility]: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Jeremiah 23:6


The first requirement for a happy life is a tranquil and quiet mind. When all the things that people covet and what they think are necessary for happiness are heaped together, people cannot be other than miserable if their minds are not at ease.
It is then with good cause that tranquility is added when mention is made of salvation. Experience teaches us that we have no salvation unless we, in reliance on Christ the Mediator, have peace with God. Paul also mentions peace with God as the fruit of faith (Rom. 5:1). We can only be miserable without peace with God. Paul also says that miseries aid our salvation, for afflictions produce patience, patience exercises hope, and hope never makes us ashamed. Peace with God is the proof of salvation, because with it God truly shows that He is present with us.
We thus see how appropriate it is for the prophet to connect tranquility of mind with happiness. It is certain that we do not yet enjoy either full salvation or peace such as are promised here. But let us learn by faith what salvation and rest are, even in the midst of the agitations to which we are continually exposed, for we find rest in God only when we cast our anchor in heaven.
The prophet says Judah will be saved and that Israel will find tranquility. By this we know that he is referring to the kingdom of Christ from the beginning to the end. Therefore it is no wonder that he speaks of perfect happiness, the first-fruits of which are now beginning to appear.

John Calvin

Restlessness and agitation are normal in the midst of challenges and difficulties. Looking to Christ anchors us in hope and quiets our anxieties. Have you found rest in the Eternal Hope? How is this simply a foretaste of what is yet to come?

365 Days With Calvin 
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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