Wednesday, January 21, 2015

When the Sun Stood Still

21 January

Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. Joshua 10:12


Christ inspires such faith in believers (Matt. 16:20; Luke 17:6) that mountains and seas are removed at their command. Faith borrows the confidence of command from the word on which it is founded.
Caution must be used here, however, lest anyone presume to give forth rash commands in his own strength. Joshua did not attempt to check the course of the sun before God instructed him about the purpose for doing so. He is said to have spoken with God, but those words do not sufficiently express the modesty and submission that become a servant of God uttering such a prayer. Let it suffice to say that Joshua asked God to grant what he desired, and an obtaining his request, became free and magnanimous herald of an incredible miracle. Joshua would never have ventured in the presence of all the people to so confidently command the sun if he had not been thoroughly conscious of his vocation. Without it, he might have exposed himself to a base and shameful affront. With it, he opens his mouth without hesitation and tells the sun and the moon to deviate from the perpetual law of nature, adjuring them by the boundless power of God with which he was invested.
In kindness to the human race, God divides the day from the night in the daily course of the sun, and constantly whirls the immense orb with indefatigable swiftness. The Lord displayed His singular favour toward His church in the day of Joshua, when He was pleased to halt the sun for a short time till the enemies of Israel were destroyed.

John Calvin

FOR MEDITATION: As the disciples, who cried out, "Who can this be?" when Jesus calmed the storm, so we should cry out, "Who can compare to our great God?" when we see His mighty hand in creation. What mighty acts have we seen Him perform in response to our cries for deliverance?

365 Days With Calvin
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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