Thursday, January 22, 2015

Ungodly Society

23 January

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 
Psalm 1:1


The psalmist says it shall go well with God's devout servants whose constant endeavor is to progress in the study of His law. Most people derided the conduct of the saints as mere simplicity and regarded their labor as useless. So it was important that the righteous should be confirmed in the way of holiness. This is done, first, by considering the miserable condition of all men who are without the blessing of God. It is supported by the conviction that God favors no one but those who zealously devote themselves to the study of divine truth. Moreover, as corruption has always prevailed in the world to such a degree that the general direction of men's lives is nothing but a continual departure from the law of God, the psalmist admonishes believers to beware of being affected by the ungodliness of the multitude around them. Beginning with a declaration of his abhorrence of the wicked, the psalmist teaches us how impossible it is for anyone to meditate upon God's law without first withdrawing and separating himself from the society of the ungodly. This is surely a needful admonition, for we see how thoughtlessly men will throw themselves into the snares of Satan and how few there are who guard against the enticements of sin.
To be fully apprized of our danger, we must remember that the world is fraught with deadly corruption. The first step to living well is to renounce the company of the ungodly, otherwise their conduct is sure to infect us with its pollution.

John Calvin

FOR MEDITATION: Calvin's comment that it is impossible to meditate upon God's law when surrounded by the ungodly is very applicable today. Cell phones, iPods, e-mail, and other technology can dominate our lives and surround us with ungodly influences. In our use of these technologies, are we taking care to avoid what the psalmist warns us against in Psalm 1:1?

365 Days With Calvin
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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