Monday, January 26, 2015

The Heresy of Healing Cults

In his exposition of John 16:13 (1538) the Reformer [Martin Luther] uses words which, in the light of modern developments, seem prophetic. He is speaking of possible future perversions.

If seduction and darkness were again to begin through the wrath and decree of God (as will happen after our days, it is to be feared- if the world is destined to stand longer), and the devil were to begin to perform signs through some false saint and perhaps were to cure a sick person, you would no doubt see the mob press to espouse the cause in such a way that no preaching or warning would be of any avail. Come now, they would assert (as they have hitherto done in the case if the deceased saints), say whatever you please, I have nonetheless seen and found that a certain man who devoted himself to this preacher and accepted him was thereby helped.

For in those who have no love for the truth the devil will be powerful and strong. Accordingly, they are misled by all sorts of his deceptive tricks and are not wise enough to guard against them. This is why I have said: The Holy Spirit must be present with His revelation, so that we observe the Word of Christ and His message and judge all teachings and signs, life and doing, in accordance with them. If, then, these contradict the chief doctrine and article of Christ (by which, Christ here says, the Holy Spirit is to glorify Him), we should accord them neither attention nor acceptance though it were to snow miracles daily. For whatever contradicts this teaching is certainly a pack of lies and trumped up by the devil in order to seduce souls. If you want to see and find miracles and signs, then look for them here; for this doctrine was certainly proved by miracles from heaven and by all kinds of true, divine, genuine signs, and to date it has been sustained by not a few signs against the devil and his bogus signs.

Martin Luther

What Luther Says, p. 632

Compiled by Ewald M. Plass


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