Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Riches of God Are the Only Riches There Are

When we speak of the riches of God, we must not think of what we usually consider to be riches. When Scripture speaks of the riches of God, these riches are entirely spiritual. God's riches are not riches that He possesses outside of Himself. God's riches are His adorable virtues, His perfections. At the same time we must remember that the riches of God are the only riches there are. Riches never consist in things we possess. Material things are never riches in themselves. In God, riches are His grace, His love, His mercy, His justice, His holiness, His righteousness, and His long-suffering. God is rich in virtues. God is rich in light and therefore in virtues. Because these virtues are really riches, man can never have riches apart from these virtues.

God has all the riches. We have nothing. We have nothing in the natural sense or in the spiritual sense unless God gives it first. God is the source. We always receive out of Him. We can never come to God and say, “I have done this for you; now you must do something for me.” All things are out of God. If we would serve and glorify God, we must never take our little cup and pour a drop into the fountain. O the depth of the riches of God! Out of Him are all things. Who can ever give anything to Him? The result is that we get down in the dust and say, “I thank Thee.”

Herman Hoeksema
Righteous By Faith Alone, pp. 571, 572-573 

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