Sunday, October 26, 2014

Signs of the Times (27)

In the last forum article I discussed with you verses 24-25 of Matthew 24, in which verses our Lord warned us in the strongest possible way that we had to be alert to false prophets who claim that they are Christ. And other people, even friends and relatives, will say, “Lo, here is Christ,” or “Lo, there is Christ.” The danger of deception is so great that the Lord warns us that the only reason God’s people are not deceived is that they are elect. If it were up to them, they would surely be deceived. But sovereign election holds them firmly.
In verses 27-28 the Lord gives us a sure way in which we are able to detect false prophets who claim to be the evidence of Christ’s coming with our Lord’s actual return: “For as the lightening cometh out of the east, and shineth unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.”
In describing the Lord’s actual coming, Jesus gives us a sure sign that His coming is the true coming, while the claims of the false prophets are evil and deceptive. The contrast between the claim of the false prophets is, “Lo here; Lo, there;” Christ’s coming is like the lightning. This is a difference easily seen.
The false prophets who claim to be Christ or who claim to know where he is, always find him somewhere in this world and only in one place. Antichrist will also be like that. We will have to go to Washington D.C. perhaps to find him and see him in person. He lives in only one place. One has to go there if one has business with him. He can be everywhere on people’s TV, but he lives somewhere here in the world.
But the coming of Christ is not like that and Christ’s coming to us is not like that. It is like lightning.
First of all, that means that Christ will be seen in the heavens above us, not here on earth. He will come to us just as He went away from us, riding the clouds (Acts 1:11). But secondly, He will not be in one place only so that we have to travel to Tokyo or Kuala Lampur to see Him. He will be like lightning travelling horizontally and vertically. He will be seen in every part of the sky. Whether you live in Singapore or in the United States, when Christ comes, you will see Him, but so will we. Christ’s coming will be public for all to see. It will be universally witnessed.
We will probably want to know how that can be; but it is no use in asking, for Christ’s coming is a great miracle. But the Bible is clear: Every eye shall see him. No one claiming to be Christ will be like this – visible to the whole world at the same time, and visible in the heavens.
The second sure evidence of Christ’s coming is stated in verse 28. It too will be a way in which we will be able to know that it is truly Christ and not some imposter. “Wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.” It seems at first glance to be a strange verse. But, as a matter of fact, it is a true and clear expression.
Eagles are birds of prey. They eat dead and rotted meat. They are found with vultures, buzzards and other meat-eating birds. One will find them along the roads eating animals, rodents and other birds that were killed by cars. One will also find them in desert areas waiting for the weak and helpless to die so that they can eat the flesh. So they are always looking for dead bodies.
The comparison here is a comparison with the number of birds gathered around a dead carcase. I have seen pictures of Africa where dozens of these meat-eating birds swarm over a dead lion or elephant. And so the comparison is this. Around those who claim to be Christ one will see hundreds and thousands of people joining him and depending on him for their food and drink, for their physical well-being, and for their objects of worship.
In contrast to the multitudes who gather around false Christ’s will be only a very few who look for the coming of Christ. Jesus himself says, “Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8b). The faithful people of God will be very few in number and those who are still looking for Christ’s coming can only be found scattered in the mountains. Persecution shall all but destroy the church – as we have noticed before, if Christ did not shorten the days, there would be no flesh saved.
This point the Lord makes is very practical. You in Asia and we in America see huge crowds gather in large auditoriums to hear Pentecostal preachers or glib and swift-of-tongue men with expensive suits and coiffed hair regale thousands. They speak of healing others – as Christ did, of really knowing what the gospel is all about – as Christ did. They are sect leaders. They claim to be mysterious people who clothe themselves in mystery and make outrageous claims on their followers. But the crowds, the multitudes are too great. The faithful are few in number. You must beware of the popular men. You must recognize our Savior by the fact that even most of that which calls itself church is not really expecting or wanting Christ to come.
So these two facts of Christ’s coming will guarantee our recognition of our Savior himself when He returns. Let us lift up our heads, for our redemption draws nigh.
Prof. H. Hanko.

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