Friday, May 15, 2015

TEST YOUR BIBLICAL IQ (Answer Key to "The Flood")

V. THE FLOOD (Gen. 6-9)

1. What two races of man seem now to be living in the world?
    Ans. A godly race, worshiping the true God, and called “sons [and daughters] of God”; and a worldly and perhaps idolatrous race, called [sons and] “daughters of men.” Gen. 6:1-6.

2. Did these continue to exist separately? No.
    Ans. “The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they choose.”

3. What was the character of their descendants?
    Ans. They were “mighty men”; “men of renown”; and very wicked.

4. What did God resolve to do?
     Ans. To destroy both man and beast. (Gen. 6:7).

5. Did He find one faithful family?
    Ans. Yes, Noah’s. (Gen. 6:8-22).

6. What command did God give Noah?
    Ans. He commanded him to build an ark in which he and others with him might be saved from the “flood of waters” which God was to bring upon the earth.

7. What is Noah said in 2 Pet. 2:5 to have been?
    Ans. A preacher of righteousness.

8. To whom did he preach?
   Ans. To all he met, telling them of the flood which was coming to destroy them. But they would not believe.

9. What was the consequence?
   Ans. “The flood came and took them all away.” Matt. 24:39; Gen. 7:21-23.

10. How were Noah and his family preserved?
      Ans. In the ark which Noah built at God’s command.

11. Of whom  was the ark a type?
      Ans. Of Christ, as the appointed means of saving men from destruction.

12. Of what was the flood a type?
      Ans. “Of the future destruction of the world.
       “The world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished; but the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” 2 Pet. 3:6, 7.

13. What living beings were saved in the ark?
       Ans. Noah, his three sons, the wives of all four; seven pairs of every clean beast and bird (such as could be used for food or for sacrifice); and one pair of every other sort. Gen. 6:18-20; 7:2, 3, 13-16.

14. Could other men and women have been saved?
       Ans. If they had believed Noah and had been willing to take refuge in the ark they would have been saved.

15. How long did it continue raining?
    Ans. Forty days and nights. Gen. 7:12-24.

16. How long did the waters prevail upon the earth?
      Ans. One hundred and fifty days.

17. How did Noah know when the waters had abated?
      Ans. He send out a dove. Gen. 8:8-12.

18. What was Noah’s first act when he came forth from the ark?
      Ans. He built an altar and offered a sacrifice. Gen. 8:20- 9:17.

19. What promise did God give Noah at this time?
      Ans. That he would not again curse the ground for man’s sake, etc.

20. What did God give him as a token?
      Ans. The rainbow.

21. Did God make any changes in man’s food at that time?
       Ans. He gave him animal food in addition to his former vegetable food

22. Under what restriction?
      That “the life thereof, which is the blood” should not be eaten.

4000 Questions and Answers on the Bible
A Spire Book
Published by Pyramid Publications for the Fleming H. Revell Company

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