Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Listening to the Warning

13 MAY

And it shall come to pass at that day, that I will break the bow of Israel, in the valley of Jezreel. Hosea 1:5


The Israelites are so inflated with their present good fortune that they laugh at predictions of the judgment to come. They know that they are well furnished with arms and men and money, so think they are in every way unassailable. The prophet now warns them, declaring that all their preparations cannot prevent God from punishing them.
We see the prophet's intention here is to break down the false confidence of the people; for the Israelites believe they will not be exposed to the destruction that Hosea has predicted. They are dazzled with their own power and think themselves beyond the reach of any danger while they are well fortified on every side. But the prophets says all their fortresses will be nothing against God; for at that day, when the ripe time for vengeance shall come, the Lord will break of their bows, tear in pieces all their arms, and reduce their power to nothing.
We are here warned to take heed, lest anything should lead us to be deaf to God's threats. Though we have strength, though fortune smiles on us, though the whole world seemingly combines to secure our safety, yet there is no reason why we should feel safe when God declares Himself opposed to and angry with us.
He can punish us whenever He pleases, depriving us of all our arms and reducing our power to nothing. Let this verse come to mind whenever God terrifies us with His warnings, for He can take away all the defenses in which we vainly trust.

John Calvin


There is no defense sufficient to resist the onslaught of God's anger. We must be sure that we enjoy His favor; nothing and no one can save us once He has decreed our destruction. Search your heart today. If you are one of His, rejoice in His wonderful grace shown to you.

365 Days With Calvin
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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