Friday, May 15, 2015

Ministering as Stars

14 MAY

And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and that they turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. Daniel 12:3


Our justification is ascribed to faith because our faith directs us to Christ in whom is the complete perfection of justification. Thus our justification may be ascribed equally to the faith taught and the doctrine which teaches it.
Those who bring us this teaching are the ministers of our justification. So the assertion of the angel in this verse is that the sons of God, who are devoted entirely to God and ruled by the spirit of prudence, point out the way of life to others. In this they not only will be saved themselves, but they shall possess a glory that surpasses anything tat exists in this world. 
Hence, we gather that it is prudent to submit ourselves to God to be teachable as well as to carefully promote the salvation of other people. The effect of this labor will be to increase our courage and alacrity. For how great is the honor conferred upon us by our heavenly Father in willing us to be ministers of His righteousness?
AS James 5:19 says, we preserve those about to perish if we bring them back into the right way. James calls us preservers, just as the angel calls us justifiers. In this neither the angel nor the apostle wish to detract from the glory of God, but by these forms of speech the Spirit represents us as ministers of justification and salvation when we unite with those who have need of our assistance and exertions.

John Calvin


The hope of reward and greater glory should spur us on to seek the salvation of those around us, regardless of the pain, suffering, and rejection that may come. What are those trials compared with the glory of the stars?

365 Days With Calvin
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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