Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Distinguishing the Truth

20 MAY

Hear this, I pray you, ye heads of the house of Jacob, and princes of the house of Israel, that abhor judgment, and pervert all equity. Micah 3:9


God’s servants ought to courageously break through those obstacles that Satan uses either to delay or to force them backward. In addition, the godly ought to wisely distinguish between the faithful servants of God and impostors who falsely pretend his name. Then no one who wants truly and from the heart to obey God will be deceived, for the Lord give him the spirit of judgment and discrimination.

The reason why many miserable souls today are led to endless ruin is because they either shut their eyes or willfully involve themselves in such subterfuges as the following: “I cannot form any judgment, for I see on both sides learned and celebrated men, who are in some repute and esteemed. Some call me to the right hand and others to the left. So where am I to go? I therefore prefer to close my mouth and my ears.” Seeking a cloak for their sloth, many thus manifest their ignorance, for we see that the eyes of the godly will be opened when the Lord exercises and tries their faith.

God allows discords and contentions to rise in the church so that some may choose one way and others another way. Though God relaxes the reins of Satan so that contests and turmoil of all kinds may arise in the church, it is no excuse for us not to follow what the Lord prescribes, for God will always guide by His Spirit, provided we do not foster our own sloth.

John Calvin


In our day, indecision has become endemic. What is more, we have developed philosophies to justify our indecision. If some think one way and others another, we justify taking no position by saying the truth too hard to discern. But God has not left is to stumble around in such uncertainty; He has given us His sure Word and His Holy Spirit. We can know the truth, and we must daily strive to find it.

365 Days With Calvin

Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels
    real good. See the link below for more info.

