Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Qualified for Service


He sent Moses His servant; and Aaron whom He had chosen. Psalm 105:26


Here the prophet briefly refers to the deliverance of God's people. If the Egyptians of their own accord had allowed the people of Israel to leave Egypt, neither the service of Moses nor miracles of God would have been required.
But God determined that His people should be delivered in such a way that denial of its author would be impossible. Moses is called His servant to teach us that he was not self-appointed to his office and that he attempted nothing by his own authority. Rather, as the minister of God, Moses executed the office with which he was entrusted. The same is true of Aaron, who is said to have been chosen. What is attributed in particular to each of these eminent men applies equally to both. Therefore Psalm 105:26 is basically saying: God sent Moses and Aaron, His servants, not because of their intrinsic fitness or because they spontaneously offered their service to God, but because God chose them. 
This passage teaches us that those who are engaged in active and useful service for the church are not exclusively qualified for it by their on exertions or by their own talents, but are stirred by God to serve. Moses was a man of heroic virtue, but in himself, he was nothing. Accordingly, the psalmist would say all that is accounted worthy of remembering Moses as well as Aaron is to be ascribed to God alone. Whatever men do for the welfare of the church, they owe the power of doing so to God, who, of His free goodness, has been pleased thus to honor them.

John Calvin

FOR MEDITATION: This teaching goes against every natural inclination of our hearts. How easily we take pride in ourselves when God blesses our work, as if we were somehow ultimately responsible! The honor, Calvin says, belongs to God alone. How does this both humble us and fill us with gratitude?

365 Days With Calvin 
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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