Sunday, March 1, 2015

10 Touchstones to Test Godliness

There are ten duties that God calls for which a godly man will conscientiously perform, and indeed these duties may serve as so many other characteristics and touchstones to test our godliness by:

1. A godly man will often be calling his heart to account
He takes the candle of the Word and searches his innermost being: ‘I commune with mine own heart: and my spirit made diligent search’ (Psa. 77:6). A gracious soul searches whether there is any duty omitted, any sin cherished. He examines his evidences for heaven. As he will not take his gold on trust, so neither will he take his grace. He is a spiritual merchant; he casts up the estate of his soul to see hat he is worth. He ‘sets his house in order.’ Frequent reckonings keep God and conscience friends. A carnal person cannot abide this heart-work; he is ignorant how the affairs go in his soul. He is like a man who is well acquainted with foreign parts but a stranger in his own country.

2. A godly man is much in private prayer
He keeps his hours for private devotion. Jacob, when he was left alone, wrestled with God (Gen. 32:24). So when a gracious heart is alone, it wrestles in prayer and will not leave God till it has a blessing. A devout Christian exercises eyes of faith and knees of prayer.
Hypocrites who have nothing of religion besides the frontispiece love to be seen. Christ has characterized them: ‘they love to pray in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen’ (Matt. 6:5). The hypocrite is devout in the temple.
There everyone will gaze at him, but he is a stranger to secret communion with God. He is a saint in the church, but an atheist in private. A good Christian holds secret communication with heaven. Private prayer keeps up the trade of godliness. When private holiness is laid aside, a stab is given to the heart of religion.

3. A godly man is diligent in his calling
He takes care to provide for his family . The church must not exclude the shop. Mr. Perkins said: ‘Though a man is endued with excellent gifts, hears the Word with reverence and receives the sacrament, yet if he does not practise the duties of his calling, all is sheer hypocrisy.’ Religion never did grant a patent for idleness: ‘there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all; them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread’ (2 Thess. 3:11, 12). The bread that tastes most sweet is obtained with most sweat. A godly man would rather fast than eat the bread of idleness. Vain professing Christians talk of living by faith, but do not live the calling. They are like the lilies of the field: ‘they toil not, neither do they spin’ (Matt. 6:28). An idle person is the devil’s tennis ball, which he bandies up and down with temptation till at last the ball goes out of play.

4. A godly man sets bounds to himself in things lawful
He is moderate in matters of recreation and diet. He takes only so much for the restoration of health as may the better dispose him for God’s service. Jerome lived abstemiously; his diet was a few dried figs and cold water. And Augustine in his ‘Confessions’ says: ‘Lord, Thou hast taught me to go to my food as to a medicine.’ If the bridle of reason checks the appetite, much more should the curbing-bit of grace do so. The life of a sinner is brutish; the glutton feeds ‘without fear’ (Jude 12). And the drunkard drinks without reason. Too much oil chokes the lamp, whereas a smaller quantity makes it burn more brightly. A godly man holds the golden bridle of temperance, and will not allow his table to be a snare.

5. A godly man is careful about moral righteousness
He makes conscience of equity as well as piety. The Scripture has linked both together: ‘that we might serve Him in holiness and righteousness’ (Luke 1: 74,75). Holiness: there is the first table; righteousness: there is the second table. Though a man may be morally righteous and not godly, yet no-one can be godly unless he is morally righteous. This moral righteousness is seen in our dealings with men. A good man observes that golden maxim, ‘Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do even so to them’ (Matt. 7:12). There is a threefold injustice in business matters:
(i) Using false weights: ‘the balances of deceit are in his hand’ (Hos. 12:7). Men, by making their weights lighter, make their sin heavier: “They make the ephah small’ (Amos 8:5). The ephah was a measure they used in selling. They made the ephah small; they gave but the scant measure. A godly man who takes the Bible in one hand dare not use false weights in the other.
(ii) Debasing a commodity: ‘they sell the refuse of the wheat’ (Amos 8:6). They would pick out the best grains of the wheat and sell the worst at the same price as they did the best. ‘Thy wine is mixed with water’ (Isa. 1:22). They adulterated their wine, yet made their customers believe it came from the pure grape.
(iii) Taking a great deal more than the commodity is worth. ‘If thou sell ought unto thy neighboour... ye shall not oppress one another’ (Lev. 25:14). A godly man deals exactly but not exactingly. He will sell so as to help himself, but not to damn another. His motto is, ‘a conscience void of offence toward, and toward men’ (Acts 24:16).
The hypocrite separates these two which God has joined together – righteousness and holiness. He pretends to be pure but is not just. It brings religion into contempt when men hand out Christ’s colours, yet will use fraudulent circumvention and, under a mask of piety, neglect morality. A godly man makes conscience of the second table as well as the first.

6. A godly man will forgive those who have wronged him, but revenge is sweet to nature
A gracious spirit passes by affronts, forgets injuries and counts it a greater victory to conquer an enemy by patience than by power. It is truly heroic ‘to overcome evil with good’ (Rom. 12:21). Though I would not trust an enemy, yet I would endeavour to love him. I would exclude him from my creed, but not from my prayer (Matt. 5:44).

Question: But does every godly man succeed in forgiving, yes, loving his enemies?
Answer: He does so in a gospel sense. That is :
(a) In so far as there is assent. He subscribes to it in his judgment as a thing which ought to be done: ‘with my mind I serve the law of God’ (Rom. 7:25).
(b) In so far as there is grief. A godly man mourns that he can love his enemies no more: ‘O wretched man that I am!’ (Rom. 7:24). Oh, this base cankered heart of mine, that has received so much mercy and can show so little! I have had talents forgiven me, yet I can hardly forgive pence.
(c) In so far as there is prayer. A godly man prays that God will give him a heart to love his enemies. ‘Lord, pluck this root of bitterness out of me, perfume my soul with love, make me a dove without gall.’
(d) In so far as there is effort. A godly man resolves and strives in the strength of Christ against all rancour and virulence of spirit. This is in a gospel sense to love our enemies. A wicked man cannot do this; his malice boils up to revenge.

7. A godly man lays to heart the miseries of the church
‘We wept, when we remembered Zion’ (Psalm 137:1). I have read of certain trees whose leaves, if cut or touched, the other leaves begin to contract and shrink, and for a time hang down their heads. Such a spiritual sympathy exists among Christians. When other parts of God’s church suffer, they feel themselves, as it were, touched in their own persons. Ambrose reports that when Theodosius was terminally ill, he was more troubled about the church of God than about his own sickness. When Aeneas would have saved Anchises’ life, he says, ‘Far be it from me that I should desire to live when Troy is buried in its ruins.’ In music there are two unisons; if you strike one, you perceive that the other is stirring, as if it were affected. When the Lord strikes others, a godly heart is deeply affected: ‘my bowels shall sound like an harp’ (Isa. 16:11). Though things go well with a child of God in his own private life and he lives in a house of cedar, he still grieves to see things go badly with the public. Queen Esther enjoyed the king’s favour and all the delights of the court, yet when a warrant portending bloodshed was signed for the death of the Jews, she mourns and fasts, and ventures her own life to save theirs.

8. A godly man is content with his present condition
If provisions get low, his heart is tempered to his condition. ‘Many,’ says Cato, ‘blame me because I am in need, and I blame them because they cannot be in need.’ A godly man puts a candid interpretation upon providence. When God brews him a bitter cup, he says, ‘This is my diet drink: it is to purge me and do my soul good.’ Therefore he is most content (Phil. 4:11).

9. A godly man is fruitful in good works (Titus 2:7)
The Hebrew word for godly (chasid) signifies ‘merciful’, implying that to be godly and charitable are of equal force, one and the same. A good man feeds the hungry, clothes the naked: ‘He is ever merciful’ (Psa. 37:26). The more devout sort of Jews to this day distribute the tenth part of their estate to the poor and they have a proverb among them, ‘Give the tenth, and you will grow rich.’ The hypocrite is all for faith, nothing for works, like the laurel that makes a flourish but bears no fruit.

10. A godly man will suffer persecution
He will be married to Christ, though he settles no other estate on him than the cross. He suffers out of choice and with a spirit of gallantry (Heb. 11:35). Argerius wrote a letter to his friend, headed: ‘From the pleasant gardens of the Leonine prison’. The blessed martyrs who put on the whole armour of God blunted the edge of persecution by their courage. The juniper tree makes the coolest shadow and the hottest coal. So persecution makes the coal of love hotter and the shadow of death cooler.
Thus a godly man goes round the whole circle of religious duties and obeys God in whatever He  commands.

Thomas Watson
The Godly Man’s Picture, pp. 168-173

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