Saturday, August 23, 2014

What is a Hypocrite?

What is a hypocrite? A hypocrite is a spiritual cheat. He is, according to the simile which the Lord uses, like a whitened sepulchre, that appears beautiful on the outside, but is within full of dead men's bones and uncleanness. 
He is a man that puts on a mask of the child of God, while he is a child of the devil. He is an ungodly man that plays the part of the godly. From certain selfish motives he puts on the appearance of a good Christian in his outward confession and walk. But inwardly he is an unbeliever. His secret life is that of the ungodly. He has not the love of God. He is not filled with sorrow after God, and does not repent on sin before God. Nor does he put his trust in Christ. He is not a believer, but an unbeliever. He is a lover of self. Moreover, the hypocrite is known as an ungodly man only to God and himself. As long as he plays the role of a hypocrite, he is not known to others. You cannot therefore call a man a hypocrite. God knows him, however, and the Word of God judges and condemns him as an ungodly and wicked man. Hence, he also knows himself. Before his own consciousness he stands condemned as an unbeliever. From this it also follows that one need not be afraid that he himself is a hypocrite. It is indeed not difficult to understand that believers sometimes are struck with fear that they are hypocrites and not real children of God. We do not like to appear before one another as we appear before God. Out outward appearance is by no means always a perfect representation of our inward state and condition. In our old nature we are always insincere. Insincerity cleaves to our very best works, to our confession and walk, and even to our prayers. We need not be surprised, therefore, that even believers sometimes have the feeling that they are really hypocrites. But the difference between the real hypocrite and that feeling of hypocrisy is that the hypocrite has no life, and knows it; that he puts on an appearance of being a living child of God, while he knows that he is inwardly wicked. He is not afraid that he is a hypocrite, but he is assured of it. The principal difference between him and the child of God is always that while the latter repents of his sin before God, even of his insincerity and hypocrisy, the former never does.

Herman Hoeksema 
The Triple Knowledge, (Reformed Free Publishing Association, 1971), II: 664-665

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