God indeed calls the many. By His preachers He says, “All of My salvation is prepared now in the death and resurrection of My Son Jesus: come, by believing on Him.” But He does not call them according to election. Therefore, He does not call them out of grace. He does not call them with the will to save them. He does not call them in such a way that He draws them by the Holy Spirit.
The few, on the other hand, He does call out of love, with the will that they be saved, and by teaching them in their hearts concerning their own need and concerning the riches of the marriage-banquet. The reason for this effectual, saving call is election: the few were eternally chosen.
Denial of the well-meant offer is doctrinally sound.
It is an aspect of our defense of the denial of the well-meant offer that we take the offensive: we charge, in dead earnest, that the offer is the Arminian view of gospel-preaching…
Indeed, we ask the defender of the offer, “On this view why are some saved by the gospel, and others not?” The answer cannot be God’s grace and God’s will, for His grace and His will to save are the same both to those who are saved and to those who perish. The answer must be the will of the sinner, freewill. The well-meant offer is forced to rewrite Matthew 22:14: “For many are called, but few choose.”…
We appeal to the teaching of our Savior in Matthew 22:1-14. Although only few are chosen, many must be called. This condemns all hyper-Calvinistic restriction of preaching to the elect or to the regenerated or to the “sensible sinner.” Election in no wise hampers the promiscuous preaching or the serious call to all. But neither may the call of the many ignore or conflict with or destroy the election of the few. The sole saving purpose of God with the call of the many is the salvation of the few. The preaching of the gospel has its source, basis, and reason in the election of the church.
David J. Engelsma
Hyper-Calvinism and the Call of the Gospel, pp. 110-111, 113,122
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