Monday, August 25, 2014

Examining Our Imperfections

Let us learn also to humble ourselves, seeing that the devil is trying to put us to sleep by hypocrisy in order that we may not recognize our faults, and that they may grow worse and worse. Let us then look within ourselves, and after we have examined our imperfections, let us cry before God, "Alas, Lord! Thou hast given me Thy grace to go forward in Thy service; I do my best, I strive, I resist all my passions, and I fight against myself; and yet I am not righteous before Thee, but there is much wrong with me still." That is how the faithful, after striving to the limit of their strength, ought always to retain this option when there remains any sinfulness mingled with the good which God enables them to do; they must learn to plead guilty before Him and to humble themselves, that they may receive grace.

But although we have many fantasies running in our heads from day to day, and thereby perceive that there is terrible corruption in our nature, yet we must not lose heart, but march on still, praying God that He Who has begun to give us progress will continue to set us forward and increase in us the strength of His Holy Spirit. And when the devil comes to incite us to evil, let him not succeed against us, but let us look for help from above; and let us pray that God's Spirit may so reign in our hearts that though there be wicked affections there, they may be so bridled and fettered that they should not toss us hither and thither but that we may stand steadfast, and be always ready to say, "It is good that god should govern us, and that we should follow His holy will.

John Calvin 
Source: (Thine Is My Heart Devotional Readings From John Calvin: Reformation Heritage Books, 1958): 238

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