Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Unconditional Election and its Relation to the other Four Points

The truth of total depravity necessitates unconditional election. By nature man is dead in sin, capable neither of saving himself nor desiring to be saved. He is in no position to accomplish or to cooperate in his salvation. If man is really totally depraved—we must do justice to this truth—the cause of salvation must be in God, as the truth of election teaches that it is.
The truth of election also limits the scope of the death of Christ. Here there is perfect agreement between the will of the Father and the work of the Son. If some only are chosen to salvation and Christ has died only for those whom God has chosen, Christ’s death must be limited to some men only. His redemption is a particular redemption. He has not died, neither did He intend to die, for all men but for some only, for the elect.
If God has chosen us to salvation, so that the almighty will of God Himself rather than the fickle will of man stands behind our election, we may be certain that we shall be saved. No power of the devil, of the wicked world, or of ourselves is able to withstand the power of the almighty God. Hence, the truth of sovereign election implies the irresistibility of grace.
The doctrine of election also gives us confidence of our perseverance in faith and salvation. If my salvation depended on my will, my decision, my choice, then I could never have the assurance of perseverance. Always I would be in doubt whether the same will that brought me into salvation , might take me out of salvation. However, since the cause of my salvation does not rest in my own will but in the almighty will of an unchangeable God, I can rest assured that I will persevere to the end. WE may be confident that the good work He has begun in us shall by the power of His grace be fully accomplished (Phil. 1:6).

Ronald Cammenga
Ronald Hanko

Saved By Grace, p. 96


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