Monday, September 15, 2014

Should Such A Man As I Flee?

Nehemiah was engaged in a great work: his God was with him, and gave him success: friends and enemies united against him; by base insinuation, craft and stratagem, they strove to dishearten and deter him from going on with God's work. Opposition is the Christian's lot; courage his honor; perseverance his jewel. Look at this man of God: he boldly repels all fear. Instead of fleeing from his work as advised, he flees to his God, and cries, "O God, strengthen my hands." Faith inspires prayer: prayer brings courage to the heart: then he boldly demands, Should such a man as I flee? A man so greatly favored, so highly honored, as to be employed by God to work for Him? No; I disdain such mean cowardice: I will work on: it is God's cause: let Him order the event; I fear it not.

Christian, know your calling: it is to work for God: expect opposition from within and without. This may call up fear and dismay; but consider your dignity; maintain and assert it: "Should such a man as I flee?" A man called by the grace of Jesus to resist the devil, to face carnal men, to vanquish sin,  to overcome the world, to obtain victory over death, and to receive a crown of righteousness in endless glory: shall I flee? What, I who am called to be strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus? O my soul, put on Christ and put off fear: put up prayer and put down dread.

From whom should such a man as I flee? Of whom should I be afraid? Doth not my Lord say, "My grace is sufficient for thee, My strength is made perfect in thy weakness?" O Lord, strengthen my heart to resist Satan, that he may flee from me, and to overcome the fear of man, which is a snare to me. I bless Thee for Thy precious word: strengthen my heart in the faith of it: "Fear not, neither be faint-hearted." Isa. 7:4. "Hearken unto Me; fear not the reproach of men, neither be afraid of their revilings." Isa. 51:7. "I, even am He who comforteth you. Who art thou that thou shouldst me afraid of a man that shall die, and the son of man which shall be made as grass, and forgettest the Lord thy Maker?" "The Lord God will help me: I shall not be confounded: I have set my face like a flint: I shall not be ashamed: the moth shall eat up my adversaries.: Isa. 50:7.

William Mason
A Spiritual Treasury for the Children of God, pp. 381-382

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