Friday, May 5, 2017

Man Has Become Corrupt In All His Ways

Human nature has become, and is, morally corrupt in the fullest sense of the word. Man has become, and is, wicked and perverse in all his ways.

But is not this being a bit too harsh? After all, does not experience teach us that man is basically good? Oh, no doubt there are some "bad eggs" out there, men who are morally degenerate through and through, who inexplicably seem to delight in committing atrocious crimes, inflicting pain and suffering on others, reveling in debaucheries of the worst sort, who seem to have no conscience and no remorse in doing any kind of evil. But they are only a small minority, are they not? Surely most o mankind is guided by an inner moral compass to do what is right? Surely if given a chance, if properly taught, or perhaps reeducated, most men will be morally upright, will they not? Just look around you. What do you see? You see some evil men, but many good men: faithful spouses, hard workers, brave soldiers, devoted mothers, generous givers, and polite neighbors. Is it not a bit too harsh to say that man is wicked, perverse, and corrupt in all his ways?

So reasons the Pelagian, ancient and modern, who denies the depravity of man's nature.

But we may not be taught first of all by experience. We must be taught first by the Word of God, and experience always confirms the Word of God if we look below the glittery surface of human nature into the pitch blackness of the soul.

The Scriptures teach that man has become, and is, morally totally corrupt in all his ways: "Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good. God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God. Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no, not one" (Psa. 53:1-3, cf. Rom. 3:10-12). Every man, woman, and child and will, and, apart from grace, our deepest heart too. Our nature is wicked, perverse, and corrupt. It is totally unable to think, will, or do what is good in God's eyes. It is wholly inclined to what is evil and despicable in God's eyes. Your nature is! Mine is! It may produce actions which appear good in our eyes: acts of heroism, generosity, and achievement. But it cannot, and does not produce actions that are actually good in God's eyes. Such is the case because every outward act has an inward cause. That inward motive is inextricably linked to that act in God's eyes. That motive and that act are one. If that motive, in the deepest sense, is evil, the act is evil too in God's eyes. Man cannot, does not, and will not keep any of God's commandments in his heart. You by nature do not! I do not! Man can only, does only, and will only grossly transgress all of God's commandments. And man is corrupt "in all his ways." Man is morally depraved in all that he sets himself to do or be, in private and public life, in home, work or school, and in all his human relationships.

Man is totally depraved. This article teaches the T of the TULIP of Calvinism. This biblical truth is one of the pillars, dark and ugly though it is, of the Reformed faith. The other pillar is the truth that God is sovereign in salvation. God has saved us from our moral corruption by His irresistible grace (the I of TULIP). That grace flows to us from the cross of Jesus Christ. Bow down, then, in humble thanks to God for saving  you by His grace through Christ.

Read: Psalm 53 and Romans 3:9-19

Rev. Daniel Holstege
Daily Meditations on the Belgic Confession
by pastors of the Protestant Reformed Churches of America
Articles 13-14, pp. 65-66

1 comment:

  1. Totality of mankind, the totality of the individual, all that he is in and of himself, and the totality of his every though, word and deed is only evil continually. (Ge 6:5 cross reference by Treasury of Scripture Knowledge). The Word of God is utterly consistent in this assessment
    of Man and each person
