Friday, March 27, 2015

The Only Way to Live


The righteousness of Thy testimonies is everlasting: give me understanding, and I shall live
Psalm 119: 144


People cannot truly live destitute of the light of heavenly wisdom, the psalmist says. Unlike swine or asses, people were not created to stuff their bellies but to exercise themselves in the knowledge and service of God. When they turn away from such endeavors, life becomes worse than a thousand deaths. David stresses that the purpose of life for him was not merely to be fed with meat and drink and to enjoy earthly comforts, but to aspire after a better life, which could only be done under the guidance of faith.

This is a very necessary warning; for though it is universally acknowledged that people exceed the lower animals in intelligence, yet most people, as if deliberately, stifle whatever light God pours into their understanding. I admit that all people want to be sharp-witted. Nonetheless, few aspire to heaven and consider that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. As meditation upon the celestial life is buried by earthly cares, people do nothing else than plunge into the grave. While living to the world, they die to God.
In using the term live, the prophet names his utmost wish. He seems to say, though I am already dead, yet if Thou art pleased to illumine my mind with the knowledge of heavenly truth, this grace will be sufficient to revive me.

John Calvin

FOR MEDITATION: If our great passion in life is to live well, we must not look for fulfillment in earthly pleasures and luxuries, for none of these will truly satisfy. Rather, we must be like David - passionate in seeking righteousness and understanding from God on how to live. That is the only was that leads to heaven. 

365 Days With Calvin 
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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