Monday, April 27, 2015

Moving Forward


Then the king commanded Ebedmelech the Ethiopian, saying, Take from hence thirty men with thee, and take up Jeremiah the prophet out of the dungeon, before he die. Jeremiah 38:10


Let us be courageous when it is necessary, though we have little hope of a favorable outcome. Ebedmelech might have thought that his attempt to help Jeremiah would be in vain, however strenuously he pleaded for the prophet. He might then have relinquished the task instead of boldly undertaking it.
Likewise, those who think too much about a difficult task often talk themselves into inactivity. They think, "What effect can you possibly have? You are only one person, and your enemies are many. If the king himself has been forced to yield to the anger of wicked men, how can you as an individual have the confidence to resist them? Furthermore, such tumult will be raised that you will perish in it. Meantime, these wicked men will perhaps stone the unhappy man whom you are trying to help."
All these thoughts might have occurred to Ebedmelech, and he thus might have desisted from helping. But we see that he rested not in his own confidence but in God's favor.
Let us remember his example and hope beyond hope when God require us to do something. When faith and duty demand anything from us, we must close our eyes to all obstacles and go forward in our work, for all events are in God's hands alone, and they will happen as He pleases. Our duty is to proceed, even if we think our labors may be in vain and will not bear fruit. Ebedmelech happily succeeds in rescuing the prophet because he acts as a pious and upright man in obeying God.
God will also extend His hand to us, whatever difficulties we encounter, for we shall overcome them by His power and help.

John Calvin

We often overanalyze situations and attempt to justify our neglect of duty.Ebedmelech did not do this, but rather stepped out in faith, trusting that he was doing the Lord's will. He left the results in God's hands. Are we doing that today?

365 Days With Calvin
Selected and Edited by Joel R. Beeke

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